**During this workout, don’t rest! Go hard, make the

shots and then rest at the free throw line**


1. Warm-up: Random shooting for 10 minutes

2. Mikan drill: make 25 shots

3. Jumpers from the boxes on each side-make 10 on each side

4. Make 5 free throws

5. 8 foot jumpers from the sides-make 10 on each side

6. Make 5 free throws

7. Elbow shots-make 10 from each side

8. Make 5 free throws

9. 10 foot jumpers from straight on – make 10

10. Make 5 free throws

11. Baseline shots-alternating sides with each shot make 10 each side

12. Make 5 free throws

13. Dribble from half-court from the right, crossover move and shoot a 10

foot jump shot. Get rebound and dribble out to half-court on left side,

dribble back in crossover and 10 foot jump shot-Make 10 on each side.

14. Make 5 free throws

15. From the left wing-fake R, go for L lay up; fake L go R layup make 20

16. Make 5 free throws

17. From the right wing-fake R, go for L layup; fake L go R layup make 20

18. Make 5 free throws

19. Pass to self on wing, catch and shoot. Rebound, go to the other side,

pass, catch, and shoot-Make 10 from each side

20.  Make 5 free throws

21. Pass to self on baseline, catch and shoot. Rebound, go to the other

baseline, pass and catch and shoot-Make 10 from each side

22.  Make 5 free throws

23.  From left and right wings-fake one direction (5 left and 5 right), then go 1 or 2 dribbles the other way and shoot a jumper-Make 10 from each side

24.  Make 15 free throws

25.  Random shooting for 10 minutes-


Post Player – Individual Workout

(This is to be done on top of the General shooting workout!!)


TIPS: All players can benefit from this work also, not just the Post Players. When doing this workout, concentrate on posting up above the block, catching the ball and then performing the moves at GAME speed.


1. Power drop step to baseline with power-up – make 5 from each side

2. Step across the lane for a layup- make 5 from each side

3. With back to basket, pass to self, face up, shoot jumper – 5 each

4. Face up, ball fake and cross over-make 5 from each side

5. Step out to baseline, face up and shoot a jumper-make 5 from each side

6. Step out to wing, face up and shoot a jumper-make 5 from each side

7. From the elbows (left and right), pass to self (with back to the basket),

    Turn and face up and shoot a jumper-make 5 from each side

8. From the free throw line, pass to self (with back to basket), turn and face up

    and shoot a jumper-make 5.



Guards (3 pt. shooting) – Individual Workout

(This is to be done on top of the General shooting workout!!)


TIPS: Always start in close with the General shooting workout and then work your way out further from the basket.


1. Around the world 3 pointers (from baseline to baseline following the curve of the

    three point line) at game speed for 10 to 15 minutes.                                                                                                  

2. Throw ball to self, square up and shoot – make 10 shots.

3. Catch, dribble, and shoot- make 10 shots.